Sunday, August 3, 2008

This could have been done with the money spent on Iraq war!!

This is one of the best and moving videos I have seen on youtube recently, and I am posting it in my blog because it should get a much bigger audience.

Hundreds of Billions of Dollars have been wasted and spent on destruction, pain and suffering. This clearly is the best way to spend money, ISN'T IT???

There are alot of things we can all do in the way we live our every day lives. That's what really counts. We all add up to make the nation & the world. The best thing we could have done with the skill, effort and resources wasted would have been to teach everyone on the planet how to live in such a way that we all can equally share the basic conditions for happiness. Food, clothing, shelter, health, education, love

Below is a video on various ways that could have been done with the money spent on Iraq war.

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