3. I told her the main reason i post and create a blog on the wahabi myth is on defence of scholars like Syeikul Islam ibnu Taimiyah,ibnu Qayyim, the muhaddith Albani, the late grand mufti of saudi arabia Abdul aziz bin baz and many others scholars of the sunnah which was label as wahabi.
4.They were among the scholars that were label as 'Wahabi' for refusing to commit and commdeming acts of shirk and innovation in the religion.
5. I futher explain that i pity our asatizah who have gotten their B.A and M.A from riyadh or madinah and were label as Wahabi by the community.
6. I don't blame her for being offended as she told me that we had an argument about this before. She used to told me that the wahabis and people from muhammadiyah didnt do maulid, kenduri tahlil etc. She futher told me that the Wahabis didnt believe in ijma(consensus of opinion) and qiyas(anology).
7. I did my research and found out most of what she say is not true. Apart from her views they are many other myth going on the internet about wahabism. In the west wahabism is asscociated with terrorism. The Sufi view wahabism as a group of Muslim who condemns them from asking help from the saints etc. I shall expose the myth in another new blog of mine which is under construction at http://www.thewahabimyth.blogspot.com/
8. For the mean time i advice readers to do your research before spurting wrong information. There is a war of ideology going on between the 'Salafi' and 'Sufi'. When doing your research read directly from the source. E.g when you want to learn or research about Sufism, read from the 'masters' of sufism like Abdul Hamid Ghazali or Abdul Qadir Jalaini. If you want to research about the Salaf Or 'Wahabi'( a term given by the opposition of the salaf) do the same. Read books written by the mujtahid like Syeikul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah or Muhammad Abdul Wahab etc.
9. As i update my blog, our Muslim brothers and sister are being massacred by the Israeli Army. I will not focus too much on petty issues raised by some of the community. There are more important events that are going on that need to be change and stop. At the end of your research and whatever your findings i hope we will understand ourself better and stay united against the enemy of Islam.
10. After the conversation with her i was really upset with the kind of arguments we made. I would expect a madrasah and university graduate to explain her perception on religion with justifications ( dalil & nas) but sad to say her arguments is filled with emotions . Moreover, she belittled me dat the formal and informal education that i have gone through from the muslim organisations in Singapore is of no match from her university. See what she wrote (in malay):
''senang kate kn,mayb d prob dat lies betwen us psl awk belajar dari tpt lain n whereby myself i learn frm basic to the advance level dari madrasah,n for ur case, awk blaja frm other religious agency n cara dan ilmi pengetahuan yg disampaikan pd kte byk yg berbeza,babtu timbulnye pelbagai percanggahan ant kte,''
Wow!! She proclaimed that she learn from basic to advance level but she failed to provide strong evidence from authentic sources.. Allah mentioned in the Quran:
''O you who believe! Let not some man among you laugh at others; it may be that the (latter) are better than the (former)'' (Al-Hujurat:11)
''Hai orang-orang yang beriman, janganlah sekumpulan orang laki-laki merendahkan kumpulan yang lain, boleh jadi yang ditertawakan itu lebih baik dari mereka. ''(Al Hujurat:11)