To those who think im anti-semitic; im not. Below are views on Zionist from a Judaism point of view.
We would like to take a few minutes of your time to prevent you from making a terrible mistake that may have disastrous results for many.
You have always without a doubt heard and read much about the political crises in the Middle East in which the State of Israel plays a central role. This is, in fact, an ongoing series of crises with potential to bring the greatest misfortune on the entire world. Tragically many believe that Zionism and Judaism are identical. Thus they conclude that the entire Jewish people is responsible for the actions of the Zionist government and the world crises which emanates from it. This is a Grave Error!
The truth is that the Jewish faith and Zionism are two very different philosophies. They are as opposite as day and night. The Jewish people have existed for thousands of years. In their two thousand years of Divinely decreed exile no Jew ever sought to end this exile and establish independent political sovereignty anywhere. The people's sole purpose was the study and fulfillment of the Divine commandments of the Torah.
The Zionist movement created the Israeli state. The latter is a persuasion less than one hundred years old. Its essential goal was and is to change the nature of the Jewish people from that of a religious entity to a political movement. From Zionism's inception the spiritual leaders of the Jewish people stood in staunch opposition to it.
To this day Torah Jewry remains forever loyal to its faith. Zionists want the world to believe that they are the representatives of the entire Jewish people. This is false! The Jewish people never chose them as their leaders.
The Zionists have deceived many well meaning Jewish people via terror, trickery and false propaganda. They have at their disposal the use of a nearly universally subservient media. Whoever attempts to criticize them puts his livelihood and, at times, his very life in danger.
However, despite the media blackout and easy resort to terror the simple truth remains unrefuted and irrefutable: ACCORDING TO THE JEWISH FAITH AND TORAH LAW THE JEWISH PEOPLE ARE FORBIDDEN TO HAVE THEIR OWN STATE WHILE AWAITING THE MESSIANIC ERA!
The Creator gave us the Holy Land thousands of years ago. Yet, when we sinned, He took it away and sent us into exile. Since that time our task is to wait for Him to send the Messiah. At that time, the Creator alone, without any human being lifting a hand or saying a word, will bring us together and take us out of exile. He will likewise establish universal peace among all mankind and all will serve Him in good will.
Some religious Jews, confused by Zionist propaganda quote Biblical verses that state that G-d gave the children of Israel the Holy Land. They overlook, unfortunately, those verses which say that He took it away due to our sins. They further ignore those prophecies which explicitly describe the last exile's conclusion as a Divine, not a human process.
The Creator has commanded every Jew to follow the ways of peace and to be loyal to the country where he lives.
Torah true Jewry waits patiently for the Messianic redemption. They have nothing to do with any kind of pseudo "Jewish State" and its aggressions against other peoples. They have a deep sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians who have suffered the most from Zionism's false teachings and barbaric actions. The Zionist state is not a Jewish state. The Zionists alone are the only ones responsible for their actions. Authentic Jewry has and will continue to oppose the very existence of this blasphemous state.
May all mankind witness the true redemption
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
King ‘Abdul ‘Azeez makes a clarification of the term “Wahhabism”
King ‘Abdul ‘Azeez makes a clarification of the term “Wahhabism”
Written by/Said by: King 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn 'Abdur Rahmaan al-Sa'ud (رحمه الله) Taken from: Mujmalu I'tiqaadil A'immatis-Salafee, Pages 117-118
King ‘Abdul ‘Azeez (رحمه الله) said:
“They have labeled us with the term ‘Wahhabiyoon’, and they have named our madhhab as ‘Wahhabi’ considering it as a specific madhhab, and this is a wicked mistake, appearing from the false propaganda which has been spread by the people of gossip. We are not the people of a new madhhab or new ‘aqeedah. Our ‘aqeedah is the ‘aqeedah of the rightly guided predecessors, we respect the four Imaams and we make no distinction between Maalik, ash-Shaafi’ee, Ahmad, and Abu Haneefah, all of them are deeply respected in our view. This ‘aqeedah is the one, that was re-established by Shaykhul Islaam, Muhammad bin ‘Abdul Wahaab (رحمه الله), and the one that he called towards. This is our ‘aqeedah and it is the structured ‘aqeedah upon the tawheed of Allaah (سبحانه وتعالى), free from defect, far removed from any innovation.”
Written by/Said by: King 'Abdul 'Azeez ibn 'Abdur Rahmaan al-Sa'ud (رحمه الله) Taken from: Mujmalu I'tiqaadil A'immatis-Salafee, Pages 117-118
King ‘Abdul ‘Azeez (رحمه الله) said:
“They have labeled us with the term ‘Wahhabiyoon’, and they have named our madhhab as ‘Wahhabi’ considering it as a specific madhhab, and this is a wicked mistake, appearing from the false propaganda which has been spread by the people of gossip. We are not the people of a new madhhab or new ‘aqeedah. Our ‘aqeedah is the ‘aqeedah of the rightly guided predecessors, we respect the four Imaams and we make no distinction between Maalik, ash-Shaafi’ee, Ahmad, and Abu Haneefah, all of them are deeply respected in our view. This ‘aqeedah is the one, that was re-established by Shaykhul Islaam, Muhammad bin ‘Abdul Wahaab (رحمه الله), and the one that he called towards. This is our ‘aqeedah and it is the structured ‘aqeedah upon the tawheed of Allaah (سبحانه وتعالى), free from defect, far removed from any innovation.”
The Purpose if the Term Wahabi
The Purpose of the term 'Wahhabi'
Shaykh Muhammad Khalil Harras
Translation by: Aboo Waheeda as-Salafee
Is there a religious sect called 'wahhabi' ?
There is no such sect with this name.
Rather this is just a nick name that the people of falsehood have branded it on the people who uphold the truth , the people of tawheed (Oneness of Allaah in everything).
And this name they refer it to Shaykh Muhammad ibn AbdulWahhab (may Allaah have mercy on him.)
And he is a great Imaam from the Imaams of who brought religious rectification in the lands of Najd. [1]
Thus he called to going back and establishing Tawheed (after people were into shirk).
And reviving the methodology of the Salaf (pious predecessors) .
And in this effort of his; the clan of Saud helped him; until they managed to relinquish and remove almost all the shirk and bid'a (innovations) , like calling on the dead people in the graves, and extremism in praising other humans.
Thus all of the lands of Najd returned to Tawheed (Oneness of Allaah in everything) and Ikhlaas (sincerity in worshipping of Allaah)
May Allaah have mercy on them and reward them greatly.
[1] Najd is part of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Source :
Shaykh Muhammad Khalil Harras
Translation by: Aboo Waheeda as-Salafee
Is there a religious sect called 'wahhabi' ?
There is no such sect with this name.
Rather this is just a nick name that the people of falsehood have branded it on the people who uphold the truth , the people of tawheed (Oneness of Allaah in everything).
And this name they refer it to Shaykh Muhammad ibn AbdulWahhab (may Allaah have mercy on him.)
And he is a great Imaam from the Imaams of who brought religious rectification in the lands of Najd. [1]
Thus he called to going back and establishing Tawheed (after people were into shirk).
And reviving the methodology of the Salaf (pious predecessors) .
And in this effort of his; the clan of Saud helped him; until they managed to relinquish and remove almost all the shirk and bid'a (innovations) , like calling on the dead people in the graves, and extremism in praising other humans.
Thus all of the lands of Najd returned to Tawheed (Oneness of Allaah in everything) and Ikhlaas (sincerity in worshipping of Allaah)
May Allaah have mercy on them and reward them greatly.
[1] Najd is part of The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Source :
Shaykh ‘Ubayd clarifies the usage of the term “Al-Wahabiyyah”
This (female) questioner from France says that she has just professed Islaam and always hears of (the term) “Al-Wahabiyyah", so she desires clarification from the Shaykh regarding this issue, may Allaah protect him.
I ask Allaah, O my daughter, that He establish you on Islaam and the Sunnah. O Allaah, establish her! [The Shaykh made this supplication three times]
(The term) “Al-Wahabiyyah” is attributed to Ash-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhaab (رحمه الله) because he was the one who revived the call of Tawheed in the middle part of the twelfth century of the hijrah. He was aided upon this revival by the Ameer, the Imaam, Muhammad ibn Saud, may Allaah have mercy upon them both.
This ascription (Al-Wahabiyyah) is used by the enemies; the enemies of Tawheed, the enemies of the Sunnah. So it has become, that every enemy of Tawheed and the Sunnah ascribes the person of Tawheed and the Sunnah with being “Wahabee". This is the explanation of the word “Al-Wahabiyyah” .
And perhaps you should know that it is an evil ascription both blameworthy and faulty, because Ash-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhaab (رحمه الله) did not ascribe himself with this. Likewise, this ascription was never attributed to him by the Scholars of the da’wah after him, nor from amongst his sons, grandchildren and brothers of the da’wah up until the present time.
It is not known from anyone from amongst them attributing him with this ascription except the people of superstitions, innovations, and Shirk. They are the ones who ascribe the people of the Sunnah with this ascription.
Written by/Said by: Shaykh 'Ubayd ibn 'Abdullaah al-Jaabiree Taken from: Tape recorded lecture
Written by/Said by: Shaykh 'Ubayd ibn 'Abdullaah al-Jaabiree Taken from: Tape recorded lecture
TAKEN FROM www.masjiduthaymeen .org
This (female) questioner from France says that she has just professed Islaam and always hears of (the term) “Al-Wahabiyyah", so she desires clarification from the Shaykh regarding this issue, may Allaah protect him.
I ask Allaah, O my daughter, that He establish you on Islaam and the Sunnah. O Allaah, establish her! [The Shaykh made this supplication three times]
(The term) “Al-Wahabiyyah” is attributed to Ash-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhaab (رحمه الله) because he was the one who revived the call of Tawheed in the middle part of the twelfth century of the hijrah. He was aided upon this revival by the Ameer, the Imaam, Muhammad ibn Saud, may Allaah have mercy upon them both.
This ascription (Al-Wahabiyyah) is used by the enemies; the enemies of Tawheed, the enemies of the Sunnah. So it has become, that every enemy of Tawheed and the Sunnah ascribes the person of Tawheed and the Sunnah with being “Wahabee". This is the explanation of the word “Al-Wahabiyyah” .
And perhaps you should know that it is an evil ascription both blameworthy and faulty, because Ash-Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abdul Wahhaab (رحمه الله) did not ascribe himself with this. Likewise, this ascription was never attributed to him by the Scholars of the da’wah after him, nor from amongst his sons, grandchildren and brothers of the da’wah up until the present time.
It is not known from anyone from amongst them attributing him with this ascription except the people of superstitions, innovations, and Shirk. They are the ones who ascribe the people of the Sunnah with this ascription.
Written by/Said by: Shaykh 'Ubayd ibn 'Abdullaah al-Jaabiree Taken from: Tape recorded lecture
Written by/Said by: Shaykh 'Ubayd ibn 'Abdullaah al-Jaabiree Taken from: Tape recorded lecture
TAKEN FROM www.masjiduthaymeen .org
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Misteri Istilah Wahabi
Perkataan ‘wahhabi’ dalam penulisan Barat mempunyai berbagai huraian. Kesemuanya menjurus kepada aliran Islam yang dilihat begitu berpegang kepada nas-nas al-Quran dan al-Sunnah secara literal dan enggan melihat tafsiran yang lebih moden atau tafsiran yang agak ‘western influence’. Clinton Bennet memasukkan ‘wahhabis’ dan deobandis dibawah kelompok ‘traditionalists’ yang bererti sekaligus berada di bawah aliran ‘fundamentalist’ (lihat: Muslim and Modernity 18-20, London: Continuum).
Sebahagian penulisan Barat melihat wahhabi sebagai aliran yang menganggap ‘hanya Islam agama yang benar’, wajib menegakkan ‘Islamic State’, adanya ‘jihad’ menentang kuffar dan lain-lain ciri-ciri yang dianggap unsur ‘padang pasir’ sekaligus cuba dikaitkan dengan terrorism.
Di Malaysia pula, perkataan ‘wahhabi’ adalah perkataan misteri. Apa tidaknya, ramai yang menyebutnya atau menfitnah orang lain dengan menggunakan perkataan itu, padahal mereka pun tidak faham. Bagi mereka, itu adalah senjata untuk mempertahankan diri ketika dikritik. Saya masih ingat, di satu tempat di sebelah Utara, apabila ada imam yang mengenakan bayaran untuk solat dan zikirnya, lalu dia dikritik atas sikap salahguna agama untuk kepentingan diri, dengan mudah dia menjawab: “siapa tak setuju dengan saya dia wahhabi”. Pemberi nasihat yang barangkali tidak terdedah kepada banyak maklumat dan kali pertama mendengar perkataan itu, terpinga-pinga bertanya: “apa itu wahhabi?”. Jawab tok imam: “Siapa yang mengkritik ustaz dia wahhabi”. Maka tidaklah berani lagi ‘penasihat’ itu berbeza pandangan dengan ‘tok imam’ dan mempertikaikan ‘infallibility’ ustaz, takut jadi wahhabi.
Di sesetengah tempat seseorang dituduh wahhabi kerana menentang amalan-amalan khurafat. Umpamanya, menggantung gambar orang tertentu seperti sultan atau tok guru dengan kepercayaan boleh menambah untung atau rezeki, atau mengikat benang hitam di tangan bayi yang baru lahir atas kepercayaan menolak sial atau bala dan berbagai kekarutan yang menghantui sebahagian masyarakat. Malangnya amalan-amalan ini bukan sahaja mendapat restu sesetengah yang bergelar ‘ustaz’, bahkan merekalah punca. Jika ada yang mengkritik, untuk mempertahankan diri maka ‘sang ustaz’ itu dengan mudahnya akan menyebut: ‘awak wahhabi’.
Sama juga, mereka yang tidak bersetuju dengan kenduri arwah dituduh wahhabi. Padahal kitab melayu lama Bughyah al-Talab karangan Syeikh Daud al-Fatani sendiri menyebut: “(dan makruh) lagi bid’ah bagi orang yang kematian membuat makanan menserukan segala manusia atas memakan dia sama ada dahulu daripada menanam dia dan kemudian daripadanya seperti yang diadatkan kebanyakan manusia (dan demikian lagi) makruh lagi bid’ah bagi segala yang diserukan dia memperkenankan seruannya”. Jika pun mereka tidak dapat menerima bahan mereka sendir, mengapa mereka merasa diri infallible, dan mengharamkan orang lain berbeza dengan mereka dengan menggunakan senjata ‘awak wahhabi’.
Sesetengah kelompok agama pula, mereka membaca dan menyebarkan riwayat-riwayat yang tertolak; seperti Israliyyat yang bercanggah dengan nas-nas Islam, hadis-hadis palsu atau kisah-kisah wali atau sufi yang menjadikan manusia keliru tentang keanggunan Islam. Mereka menyebarkannya dalam ceramah dan sesetengahnya menjadikannya modal untuk ‘bisnes’ mereka. Islam menjadi kabur dengan cerita-cerita itu dan menyebabkan agama agung ini kelihatan bagaikan ‘kartun’ dan ‘lucu’. Jika ada yang menegur para penceramah ini; jawapannya ‘awak wahhabi’. Walaupun yang menegur itu tidak pernah pun membaca buku Muhammad bin ‘Abdul Wahhab.
Lebih buruk lagi apabila isu wahhabi digunakan oleh pihak berkuasa agama. Jika ramai pegawai agama itu atau yang sealiran dengan mereka bertarekat, atau pembaca hadis-hadis palsu dan lucu, maka mana-mana sahaja guru yang mengajar al-Quran dan hadis sahih serta tidak bersetuju dengan kekeliruan itu akan disenaraikan sebagai wahhabi dan diharamkan mengajar di masjid dan surau. Nama sultan akan digunakan.
Dalam masa yang sama mereka membiarkan kemungkaran yang jelas di sana sini, lalu sibukkan diri dengan kelompok revivalist yang tidak mengancam masyarakat sama sekali. Jika ada pun, ancaman itu kepada pemikiran kejumudan dan kekolotan, bukan kepada masyarakat. Untuk menjustifikasikan kesibukan mereka dengan kelompok ini sehingga meninggalkan kemungkaran hakiki, mereka kata: “ini lebih bahaya kerana wahhabi”. Apa itu wahhabi? Jawab mereka wahhabi itu wahhabi! Sikap ini menjadi lebih panas apabila munculnya di Malaysia ‘aliran pengkafir umat’ yang bernama Ahbash yang bersekongkol dengan sesetengah pihak agama.
Di peringkat yang lebih tinggi, istilah wahhabi dikenakan kepada mereka yang tidak terikat dengan mazhab al-Syafi’i. Kononnya, mereka yang tidak ikut mazhab itu wahhabi. Saya telah sebut nas-nas ulama tentang hal ini dalam artikel-artikel yang lepas.
Persis seperti yang disebut oleh Dr al-Qaradawi:
“Golongan yang taksub ini tidak membolehkan sesiapa yang mengikut sesuatu mazhab keluar daripadanya, sekalipun dalam beberapa masalah yang jelas kepada pengikut mazhab bahawa dalil mazhabnya lemah. Sehingga mereka menyifatkan sesiapa yang keluar mazhab sebagai tidak berpendirian. Perbuatan ini sebenarnya mewajibkan apa yang tidak diwajibkan oleh Allah swt” (Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Al-Sahwah al-Islamiyyah bain al-Ikhtilaf al-Masyru’ wa al-Tafarruq al-Mazmum , m.s 202, Kaherah: Dar al-Sahwah).
Apa yang menariknya di Malaysia, sesetengah ‘mereka ini’ apabila menjadi ‘penasihat-penasihat’ bank, bagi memenuhi keperluan bank-bank yang beroperasi atas nama Islam itu, mereka bersetuju pula dengan pandangan-pandangan hukum yang diambil tanpa mengikut mazhab. Bahkan pandangan Syeikhul Islam Ibn Taimiyyah r.h begitu banyak diambil dalam masalah muamalat ini. Ini kerana, di seluruh dunia pandangan-pandangan beliau memang dikutip dalam memajukan masyarakat Islam. Padahal ‘sesetengah mereka ini’ di luar mesyuarat bank yang ber‘elaun’ itu, mereka menuduh Ibn Taimiyyah wahhabi, dan sesiapa yang bersetuju dengan Ibn Taimiyyah sebagai ‘wahhabi’. Bahkan di luar bank mereka bersekongkol dengan golongan yang mengkafirkan atau menyesatkan Ibn Taimiyyah.
Demikian ketika saya menjadi mufti dahulu, apabila saya memberikan padangan larangan mengintip (tajassus), boleh menjawab salam bukan muslim, wajib membinkan kepada bapa asal sekalipun bapanya bukan muslim, masjid untuk kaum cina, keluasan menerima pandangan dan lain-lain lagi, maka pandangan-pandangan ini dituduh oleh sesetengah pihak agama sebagai wahhabi. Padahal pandangan tersebut jika dibincangkan di Barat dianggap dalam aliran modernism atau rationalism dan penentangnya mungkin akan dimasukkan kepada kelompok wahhabism.
Di Malaysia, sebaliknya, yang terbuka itu wahhabi dan sesat, yang tertutup itulah yang ‘membolot segala kebenaran’. Cara fikir beginilah yang menguasai sektor-sektor agama kerajaan dan mencepatkan ‘pereputan’ kekuatan kerajaan yang ada. Cara fikir begini jugalah yang menguasai sesetengah aliran agama dalam pembangkang. Sebab itu barangkali, lima puluh tahun kemerdekaan, bukan muslim bukan sahaja tidak bertambah faham, sebaliknya bertambah keliru dan tegang mengenai Islam
Tindakan mereka ini mengingatkan saya kepada artikel David Brubaker bertajuk Fundamentalisn vs Modernism: A Consideration of Causal Conditions bahawa penentangan terhadap pembaharuan lebih merujuk kepada masalah survival kelompok. Dalam usaha untuk hidup dan terus mendapat tempat dalam masyarakat dan kerajaan maka golongan pembaharuan akan ditentang. Bagi saya, bukan isu wahhabi sebenarnya, tetapi bimbang terpinggirnya tempat dan kedudukan. Namun, apabila mereka merasa ada ruangan untuk mendapat ‘kedudukan’ seperti isu perbankan tadi, mereka dapat pula menerima pandangan yang berbeza tanpa menuduh bank yang memberi elaun bulanan dan elaun mensyuarat itu sebagai ‘bank mazhab wahhabi’.
David Brubaker menyebut untuk survival mereka terpaksa memilih antara dua ‘occomodation or resistance’. Maka, di Malaysia ramai yang dituduh wahhabi, namun ia adalah tuduhan misteri. Saya juga tidak menafikan ada yang dianggap wahhabi itu sendiri perlu bertolak ansur dalam sebahagian pendapat. Namun, untuk menuduh orang lain wahhabi hanya kerana perbezaan pendapat, itu adalah sikap jakun yang cuba hidup di zaman globalisasi.
ditulis oleh Dr Asri Zainul Abidin
Sebahagian penulisan Barat melihat wahhabi sebagai aliran yang menganggap ‘hanya Islam agama yang benar’, wajib menegakkan ‘Islamic State’, adanya ‘jihad’ menentang kuffar dan lain-lain ciri-ciri yang dianggap unsur ‘padang pasir’ sekaligus cuba dikaitkan dengan terrorism.
Di Malaysia pula, perkataan ‘wahhabi’ adalah perkataan misteri. Apa tidaknya, ramai yang menyebutnya atau menfitnah orang lain dengan menggunakan perkataan itu, padahal mereka pun tidak faham. Bagi mereka, itu adalah senjata untuk mempertahankan diri ketika dikritik. Saya masih ingat, di satu tempat di sebelah Utara, apabila ada imam yang mengenakan bayaran untuk solat dan zikirnya, lalu dia dikritik atas sikap salahguna agama untuk kepentingan diri, dengan mudah dia menjawab: “siapa tak setuju dengan saya dia wahhabi”. Pemberi nasihat yang barangkali tidak terdedah kepada banyak maklumat dan kali pertama mendengar perkataan itu, terpinga-pinga bertanya: “apa itu wahhabi?”. Jawab tok imam: “Siapa yang mengkritik ustaz dia wahhabi”. Maka tidaklah berani lagi ‘penasihat’ itu berbeza pandangan dengan ‘tok imam’ dan mempertikaikan ‘infallibility’ ustaz, takut jadi wahhabi.

Sama juga, mereka yang tidak bersetuju dengan kenduri arwah dituduh wahhabi. Padahal kitab melayu lama Bughyah al-Talab karangan Syeikh Daud al-Fatani sendiri menyebut: “(dan makruh) lagi bid’ah bagi orang yang kematian membuat makanan menserukan segala manusia atas memakan dia sama ada dahulu daripada menanam dia dan kemudian daripadanya seperti yang diadatkan kebanyakan manusia (dan demikian lagi) makruh lagi bid’ah bagi segala yang diserukan dia memperkenankan seruannya”. Jika pun mereka tidak dapat menerima bahan mereka sendir, mengapa mereka merasa diri infallible, dan mengharamkan orang lain berbeza dengan mereka dengan menggunakan senjata ‘awak wahhabi’.
Sesetengah kelompok agama pula, mereka membaca dan menyebarkan riwayat-riwayat yang tertolak; seperti Israliyyat yang bercanggah dengan nas-nas Islam, hadis-hadis palsu atau kisah-kisah wali atau sufi yang menjadikan manusia keliru tentang keanggunan Islam. Mereka menyebarkannya dalam ceramah dan sesetengahnya menjadikannya modal untuk ‘bisnes’ mereka. Islam menjadi kabur dengan cerita-cerita itu dan menyebabkan agama agung ini kelihatan bagaikan ‘kartun’ dan ‘lucu’. Jika ada yang menegur para penceramah ini; jawapannya ‘awak wahhabi’. Walaupun yang menegur itu tidak pernah pun membaca buku Muhammad bin ‘Abdul Wahhab.
Lebih buruk lagi apabila isu wahhabi digunakan oleh pihak berkuasa agama. Jika ramai pegawai agama itu atau yang sealiran dengan mereka bertarekat, atau pembaca hadis-hadis palsu dan lucu, maka mana-mana sahaja guru yang mengajar al-Quran dan hadis sahih serta tidak bersetuju dengan kekeliruan itu akan disenaraikan sebagai wahhabi dan diharamkan mengajar di masjid dan surau. Nama sultan akan digunakan.
Dalam masa yang sama mereka membiarkan kemungkaran yang jelas di sana sini, lalu sibukkan diri dengan kelompok revivalist yang tidak mengancam masyarakat sama sekali. Jika ada pun, ancaman itu kepada pemikiran kejumudan dan kekolotan, bukan kepada masyarakat. Untuk menjustifikasikan kesibukan mereka dengan kelompok ini sehingga meninggalkan kemungkaran hakiki, mereka kata: “ini lebih bahaya kerana wahhabi”. Apa itu wahhabi? Jawab mereka wahhabi itu wahhabi! Sikap ini menjadi lebih panas apabila munculnya di Malaysia ‘aliran pengkafir umat’ yang bernama Ahbash yang bersekongkol dengan sesetengah pihak agama.
Di peringkat yang lebih tinggi, istilah wahhabi dikenakan kepada mereka yang tidak terikat dengan mazhab al-Syafi’i. Kononnya, mereka yang tidak ikut mazhab itu wahhabi. Saya telah sebut nas-nas ulama tentang hal ini dalam artikel-artikel yang lepas.
Persis seperti yang disebut oleh Dr al-Qaradawi:
“Golongan yang taksub ini tidak membolehkan sesiapa yang mengikut sesuatu mazhab keluar daripadanya, sekalipun dalam beberapa masalah yang jelas kepada pengikut mazhab bahawa dalil mazhabnya lemah. Sehingga mereka menyifatkan sesiapa yang keluar mazhab sebagai tidak berpendirian. Perbuatan ini sebenarnya mewajibkan apa yang tidak diwajibkan oleh Allah swt” (Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Al-Sahwah al-Islamiyyah bain al-Ikhtilaf al-Masyru’ wa al-Tafarruq al-Mazmum , m.s 202, Kaherah: Dar al-Sahwah).
Apa yang menariknya di Malaysia, sesetengah ‘mereka ini’ apabila menjadi ‘penasihat-penasihat’ bank, bagi memenuhi keperluan bank-bank yang beroperasi atas nama Islam itu, mereka bersetuju pula dengan pandangan-pandangan hukum yang diambil tanpa mengikut mazhab. Bahkan pandangan Syeikhul Islam Ibn Taimiyyah r.h begitu banyak diambil dalam masalah muamalat ini. Ini kerana, di seluruh dunia pandangan-pandangan beliau memang dikutip dalam memajukan masyarakat Islam. Padahal ‘sesetengah mereka ini’ di luar mesyuarat bank yang ber‘elaun’ itu, mereka menuduh Ibn Taimiyyah wahhabi, dan sesiapa yang bersetuju dengan Ibn Taimiyyah sebagai ‘wahhabi’. Bahkan di luar bank mereka bersekongkol dengan golongan yang mengkafirkan atau menyesatkan Ibn Taimiyyah.
Demikian ketika saya menjadi mufti dahulu, apabila saya memberikan padangan larangan mengintip (tajassus), boleh menjawab salam bukan muslim, wajib membinkan kepada bapa asal sekalipun bapanya bukan muslim, masjid untuk kaum cina, keluasan menerima pandangan dan lain-lain lagi, maka pandangan-pandangan ini dituduh oleh sesetengah pihak agama sebagai wahhabi. Padahal pandangan tersebut jika dibincangkan di Barat dianggap dalam aliran modernism atau rationalism dan penentangnya mungkin akan dimasukkan kepada kelompok wahhabism.
Di Malaysia, sebaliknya, yang terbuka itu wahhabi dan sesat, yang tertutup itulah yang ‘membolot segala kebenaran’. Cara fikir beginilah yang menguasai sektor-sektor agama kerajaan dan mencepatkan ‘pereputan’ kekuatan kerajaan yang ada. Cara fikir begini jugalah yang menguasai sesetengah aliran agama dalam pembangkang. Sebab itu barangkali, lima puluh tahun kemerdekaan, bukan muslim bukan sahaja tidak bertambah faham, sebaliknya bertambah keliru dan tegang mengenai Islam
Tindakan mereka ini mengingatkan saya kepada artikel David Brubaker bertajuk Fundamentalisn vs Modernism: A Consideration of Causal Conditions bahawa penentangan terhadap pembaharuan lebih merujuk kepada masalah survival kelompok. Dalam usaha untuk hidup dan terus mendapat tempat dalam masyarakat dan kerajaan maka golongan pembaharuan akan ditentang. Bagi saya, bukan isu wahhabi sebenarnya, tetapi bimbang terpinggirnya tempat dan kedudukan. Namun, apabila mereka merasa ada ruangan untuk mendapat ‘kedudukan’ seperti isu perbankan tadi, mereka dapat pula menerima pandangan yang berbeza tanpa menuduh bank yang memberi elaun bulanan dan elaun mensyuarat itu sebagai ‘bank mazhab wahhabi’.
David Brubaker menyebut untuk survival mereka terpaksa memilih antara dua ‘occomodation or resistance’. Maka, di Malaysia ramai yang dituduh wahhabi, namun ia adalah tuduhan misteri. Saya juga tidak menafikan ada yang dianggap wahhabi itu sendiri perlu bertolak ansur dalam sebahagian pendapat. Namun, untuk menuduh orang lain wahhabi hanya kerana perbezaan pendapat, itu adalah sikap jakun yang cuba hidup di zaman globalisasi.
ditulis oleh Dr Asri Zainul Abidin
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Position of Jesus (pbuh) in Islam
1. Islam is the only non-Christian faith, which makes it an article of faith to believe in Jesus (pbuh). No Muslim is a Muslim if he does not believe in Jesus (pbuh).
2. We believe that he was one of the mightiest Messengers of Allah (swt).
3. We believe that he was born miraculously, without any male intervention, which many modern day Christians do not believe.
4. We believe he was the Messiah translated Christ (pbuh).
5. We believe that he gave life to the dead with God’s permission.
6. We believe that he healed those born blind, and the lepers with God’s permission.
So know that Laa ilaaha ill Allah (that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah), and ask forgiveness for your sin, and also for (the sin of) believing men and believing women. And Allah knows well your moving about, and your place of rest (in your homes)."
[Surah Muhammad 47:19]
2. We believe that he was one of the mightiest Messengers of Allah (swt).
3. We believe that he was born miraculously, without any male intervention, which many modern day Christians do not believe.
4. We believe he was the Messiah translated Christ (pbuh).
5. We believe that he gave life to the dead with God’s permission.
6. We believe that he healed those born blind, and the lepers with God’s permission.
So know that Laa ilaaha ill Allah (that there is no deity worthy of worship but Allah), and ask forgiveness for your sin, and also for (the sin of) believing men and believing women. And Allah knows well your moving about, and your place of rest (in your homes)."
[Surah Muhammad 47:19]
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Israel surrenders cluster bomb maps after years
Israel yields to UN and Lebanese demands that it hands over data on the cluster bomb operations it conducted in Lebanon in 2006.
The United Nations peacekeeping forces in Lebanon, known as the UNIFIL, revealed Tuesday that Israel has handed over technical strike data and maps that detail its use of cluster munitions in its most recent war on Lebanon.
Israeli warplanes had dropped most of the cluster bombs in the last 72 hours of the 33-day war when Tel Aviv had lost all hopes of winning the war and the Hezbollah movement rendered Israel unable to take control of the country.
While the Israeli retreat from Lebanon returned relative calm to the country, the dormant cluster bombs continue to plague Lebanon by killing innocent civilians and leaving others amputated.
Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora has repeatedly condemned Tel Aviv over its refusal to reveal where it dropped cluster bombs. He insists that Israel was duty-bound to have immediately provided the UN and Lebanese authorities with the maps.
The UN Human Rights Watch has blasted the Israeli conduct as a violation of international humanitarian law through its 'indiscriminate and disproportionate' use of cluster bombs in Lebanon.
According to the UN, Israel dropped about 4 million cluster bomblets during the month-long war, up to 1 million of which failed to explode and can detonate at the slightest disturbance.
The United Nations peacekeeping forces in Lebanon, known as the UNIFIL, revealed Tuesday that Israel has handed over technical strike data and maps that detail its use of cluster munitions in its most recent war on Lebanon.
Israeli warplanes had dropped most of the cluster bombs in the last 72 hours of the 33-day war when Tel Aviv had lost all hopes of winning the war and the Hezbollah movement rendered Israel unable to take control of the country.
While the Israeli retreat from Lebanon returned relative calm to the country, the dormant cluster bombs continue to plague Lebanon by killing innocent civilians and leaving others amputated.
Lebanese Prime Minister Fouad Siniora has repeatedly condemned Tel Aviv over its refusal to reveal where it dropped cluster bombs. He insists that Israel was duty-bound to have immediately provided the UN and Lebanese authorities with the maps.
The UN Human Rights Watch has blasted the Israeli conduct as a violation of international humanitarian law through its 'indiscriminate and disproportionate' use of cluster bombs in Lebanon.
According to the UN, Israel dropped about 4 million cluster bomblets during the month-long war, up to 1 million of which failed to explode and can detonate at the slightest disturbance.
Monday, February 9, 2009
What will u do with 10,000 illegal settlements in Singapore?
I cant imagine a foreign country destroying our HDB flats and building their own sttlements right here in Singapore. Remember the Japanese Occupation?
The most logical thing to to is retaliate.
But what if we retaliate the foreign invasion and the US, EU and UN see us as a terrorist organisation. And our neighbour did nothing but watch.
That is exactly what is happening in Palestine.
Bob Simon showed the damage to the cause of peace caused by the ever-expanding and illegal Israeli settlements, the evictions of Palestinians from their homes, the humiliation they experience at Israeli checkpoints, the Apartheid roads and wall built by Israel, and the bizarre experience of Palestinian families imprisoned in their own homes by Israeli soldiers.
Getting a peace deal in the Middle East is such a priority to President Obama that his first foreign calls on his first day in office were to Arab and Israeli leaders. And on day two, the president made former Senator George Mitchell his special envoy for Middle East peace. Mr. Obama wants to shore up the ceasefire in Gaza, but a lasting peace really depends on the West Bank where Palestinians had hoped to create their state. The problem is, even before Israel invaded Gaza, a growing number of Israelis and Palestinians had concluded that peace between them was no longer possible, that history had passed it by. For peace to have a chance, Israel would have to withdraw from the West Bank, which would then become the Palestinian state.
Its known as the "two-state" solution. But, while negotiations have been going on for 15 years, hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlers have moved in to occupy the West Bank. Palestinians say they can't have a state with Israeli settlers all over it, which the settlers say is precisely the idea.
Palestinians had hoped to establish their state on the West Bank, But Israelis have split it up with scores of settlements, and hundreds of miles of new highways that only settlers can use. Palestinians have to drive - or ride - on the older roads
When they want to travel from one town to another, they have to submit to humiliating delays at checkpoints and roadblocks. There are more than 600 of them on the West Bank.
Asked why there are so many checkpoints, Dr. Barghouti said, "I think the main goal is to fragment the West Bank. Maybe a little bit of them can be justified because they say it's for security. But I think the vast majority of them are basically to block the movement of people from one place to another."
Here's how they block Barghouti: he was born in Jerusalem, grew up in Jerusalem and worked in a hospital there for 14 years. Four years ago he moved to a town just 10 miles away, but now, because he no longer lives in Jerusalem, he can't get back in - ever
He says he can't get a permit to go. "I asked for a permit to go to Jerusalem during the last year, the last years about 16 times. And 16 times they were rejected. Like most Palestinians, I don't have a permit to go to the city I was born in, to the city I used to work in, to the city where my sister lives."
What he's up against are scores of Israeli settlements dominating the lowlands like crusader fortresses. Many are little cities, and none of them existed 40 years ago. The Israelis always take the high ground, sometimes the hills, and sometimes the homes. And sometimes Arabs are occupied inside their own homes.
The most logical thing to to is retaliate.
But what if we retaliate the foreign invasion and the US, EU and UN see us as a terrorist organisation. And our neighbour did nothing but watch.
That is exactly what is happening in Palestine.
Bob Simon showed the damage to the cause of peace caused by the ever-expanding and illegal Israeli settlements, the evictions of Palestinians from their homes, the humiliation they experience at Israeli checkpoints, the Apartheid roads and wall built by Israel, and the bizarre experience of Palestinian families imprisoned in their own homes by Israeli soldiers.
Getting a peace deal in the Middle East is such a priority to President Obama that his first foreign calls on his first day in office were to Arab and Israeli leaders. And on day two, the president made former Senator George Mitchell his special envoy for Middle East peace. Mr. Obama wants to shore up the ceasefire in Gaza, but a lasting peace really depends on the West Bank where Palestinians had hoped to create their state. The problem is, even before Israel invaded Gaza, a growing number of Israelis and Palestinians had concluded that peace between them was no longer possible, that history had passed it by. For peace to have a chance, Israel would have to withdraw from the West Bank, which would then become the Palestinian state.
Its known as the "two-state" solution. But, while negotiations have been going on for 15 years, hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlers have moved in to occupy the West Bank. Palestinians say they can't have a state with Israeli settlers all over it, which the settlers say is precisely the idea.
Palestinians had hoped to establish their state on the West Bank, But Israelis have split it up with scores of settlements, and hundreds of miles of new highways that only settlers can use. Palestinians have to drive - or ride - on the older roads
When they want to travel from one town to another, they have to submit to humiliating delays at checkpoints and roadblocks. There are more than 600 of them on the West Bank.
Asked why there are so many checkpoints, Dr. Barghouti said, "I think the main goal is to fragment the West Bank. Maybe a little bit of them can be justified because they say it's for security. But I think the vast majority of them are basically to block the movement of people from one place to another."
Here's how they block Barghouti: he was born in Jerusalem, grew up in Jerusalem and worked in a hospital there for 14 years. Four years ago he moved to a town just 10 miles away, but now, because he no longer lives in Jerusalem, he can't get back in - ever
He says he can't get a permit to go. "I asked for a permit to go to Jerusalem during the last year, the last years about 16 times. And 16 times they were rejected. Like most Palestinians, I don't have a permit to go to the city I was born in, to the city I used to work in, to the city where my sister lives."
What he's up against are scores of Israeli settlements dominating the lowlands like crusader fortresses. Many are little cities, and none of them existed 40 years ago. The Israelis always take the high ground, sometimes the hills, and sometimes the homes. And sometimes Arabs are occupied inside their own homes.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Jewish Professor ''Israel needs to break its territorial addiction''
Even a Jewish American, Dr. Alex Sinclair agreed that the Israeli government hungers territorial occupation of the Palestine land.
As taken frm Dr. Alex Sinclair article from; a Jewish website.
''For the past eight years, we have had an American president who was Israel's "greatest friend" - a friend who stood by grinning feebly while we sank deeper and deeper into a mess. ''
''Israel is like an alcoholic, except we are addicted to territories, not to tequila ''
''Meanwhile, our supposed best friend has stood by, watching us, supporting us, even taking care of us, sometimes gently saying: "You know, you really shouldn't be drinking that," while never actually plucking up the courage - the friendship - to put a hand on our shoulder and say: "You need to stop."
''Israel does not need a friend like that right now. We need a new type of friend - a true friend, one that will lead an intervention for us''
Dr. Alex Sinclair is a lecturer in Jewish education at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, and an adjunct assistant professor of Jewish education at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.
As taken frm Dr. Alex Sinclair article from; a Jewish website.
''For the past eight years, we have had an American president who was Israel's "greatest friend" - a friend who stood by grinning feebly while we sank deeper and deeper into a mess. ''
''Israel is like an alcoholic, except we are addicted to territories, not to tequila ''
''Meanwhile, our supposed best friend has stood by, watching us, supporting us, even taking care of us, sometimes gently saying: "You know, you really shouldn't be drinking that," while never actually plucking up the courage - the friendship - to put a hand on our shoulder and say: "You need to stop."
''Israel does not need a friend like that right now. We need a new type of friend - a true friend, one that will lead an intervention for us''
Dr. Alex Sinclair is a lecturer in Jewish education at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, and an adjunct assistant professor of Jewish education at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Qunut Nazilah in English Translation
“O Allah, We seek Your help; we beseech Your forgiveness.
We affirm our faith in You; we praise You.
We reject and abandon everyone who forsakes You.
O Allah, You alone do we worship; unto You alone we pray, and before You alone we prostrate in worship.
Unto You alone we strive and implore.
We cherish hope in Your mercy; we fear Your chastisement.
Most certainly, Your stern punishment will overtake those who reject the truth.
O Allah, we ask Your help against the aggressive Zionists who have committed crimes (against the oppressed), who have violated the sanctities, and killed, and dispersed the oppressed in Palestine.
O Allah, they cannot overwhelm You.
O Allah, You who are the Lord of the oppressed,
Help the oppressed (against their oppressors).
O Allah, show us Your miraculous powers in dealing with them (i.e. the aggressors).
O Allah, make their plans a plan for their destruction.
Make their armies a source of their own defeat.
Make their prison a prison for them.
O Allah, help the oppressed against the oppressors in all parts of the world.
O Allah, have mercy on the Ummah of Muhammad.
O Allah, bring relief to the Ummah of Muhammad.
O Allah, You are the twister of hearts, make our feet steadfast on the path of truth.
O Allah, make us all guides unto truth and make us rightly guided.
O Allah, bless and send peace on Your Prophet and Messenger Muhammad and his entire family and Companions
We affirm our faith in You; we praise You.
We reject and abandon everyone who forsakes You.
O Allah, You alone do we worship; unto You alone we pray, and before You alone we prostrate in worship.
Unto You alone we strive and implore.
We cherish hope in Your mercy; we fear Your chastisement.
Most certainly, Your stern punishment will overtake those who reject the truth.
O Allah, we ask Your help against the aggressive Zionists who have committed crimes (against the oppressed), who have violated the sanctities, and killed, and dispersed the oppressed in Palestine.
O Allah, they cannot overwhelm You.
O Allah, You who are the Lord of the oppressed,
Help the oppressed (against their oppressors).
O Allah, show us Your miraculous powers in dealing with them (i.e. the aggressors).
O Allah, make their plans a plan for their destruction.
Make their armies a source of their own defeat.
Make their prison a prison for them.
O Allah, help the oppressed against the oppressors in all parts of the world.
O Allah, have mercy on the Ummah of Muhammad.
O Allah, bring relief to the Ummah of Muhammad.
O Allah, You are the twister of hearts, make our feet steadfast on the path of truth.
O Allah, make us all guides unto truth and make us rightly guided.
O Allah, bless and send peace on Your Prophet and Messenger Muhammad and his entire family and Companions
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Congratulations to Isreal who have made many records!
Israel has:
Created 4 million+ Refugees
Holds World's record for UN Violations at 69+
Killed more innocent civilians per capita than any other country 50,000+
Has Imprisoned more civilians per cap 250,000+ , Has rendered more civilians Handicapped per cap 50,000+
Demolished more homes than any other country 60,000+
Outlawed marriage to Non-Jews, Destroyed 350 Christian Churches & Mosques
6 Wars in 60 years
254 km of Apartheid Wall, 562 Check Points
Has Ethnically cleansed 500+ villages
Created 4 million+ Refugees
Holds World's record for UN Violations at 69+
Killed more innocent civilians per capita than any other country 50,000+
Has Imprisoned more civilians per cap 250,000+ , Has rendered more civilians Handicapped per cap 50,000+
Demolished more homes than any other country 60,000+
Outlawed marriage to Non-Jews, Destroyed 350 Christian Churches & Mosques
6 Wars in 60 years
254 km of Apartheid Wall, 562 Check Points
Has Ethnically cleansed 500+ villages
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Keep Praying and Stay Strong
More than a dozen mosques have been hit in the course of Israel's war on Gaza.
But two weeks into the war, Muslim worshippers have not been deterred by the destruction, or the risks of going to pray at what could be a potential target.
To my muslim brothers in Gaza; keep praying and stay strong.
But two weeks into the war, Muslim worshippers have not been deterred by the destruction, or the risks of going to pray at what could be a potential target.
To my muslim brothers in Gaza; keep praying and stay strong.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Why Hamas is not the Issue
I was discussing about the palestianian issue with a friend. He told me one ustaz mentioned that the result for the massacare of Palestinians by the Israeli was Hamas fault. It was hamas fault to fire rockets at Israel. He futher explain that by firing rockets at Israel is like throwing stone at a bee hive. WHAT!? The Jews had already hit our beehives by taking the Palestinian Land in 1948. Rick Sanchez does the research and finds that Israel violated the terms of the ceasefire first by killing 6 Gazans on November 4. Shouldn't media outlets check the facts before running with a story. Check out this video.
To my Muslim brothers and sister in Singapore; I can understand that we dont have the position and the guts to fight the opression. But that doesnt allow you to put the blame on Hamas and be brainwashed by the media that Hamas is a terrorist organization or government.
History matters. After Hamas won elections in 2006, its leadership accepted a two-state solution based on the pre-war June 4, 1967 borders, but this was unacceptable to Israel. Earlier, Israel destroyed secular Fatah leader and Palestinian Authority President Arafat for failing at Camp David in July 2000 to comply with its demands to accept permanent Israeli control over Palestinian life and land confined in enclaves. Hamas became the new challenge to Israel’s vision.
The facts of history affirm that Israel will not accept a sovereign Palestinian state on any part of historic Palestine. Hamas is not the issue. All Palestinian leaders sooner or later, secular or Islamic, are declared unacceptable partners for peace no matter how much they concede to Israel. That Israel hides behind the “Hamas Islamic threat” today to destroy it as a potential partner is becoming transparent.
Dont you get it? Dont be fooled by the media my Muslim brothers and sisters.
Don't be sidetracked that it was Hamas fault that the Palestinian are living in this state.
If you want to blame someone apart from America and Israel; go blame the Arab Nation for being the spectator.
To my Muslim brothers and sister in Singapore; I can understand that we dont have the position and the guts to fight the opression. But that doesnt allow you to put the blame on Hamas and be brainwashed by the media that Hamas is a terrorist organization or government.
History matters. After Hamas won elections in 2006, its leadership accepted a two-state solution based on the pre-war June 4, 1967 borders, but this was unacceptable to Israel. Earlier, Israel destroyed secular Fatah leader and Palestinian Authority President Arafat for failing at Camp David in July 2000 to comply with its demands to accept permanent Israeli control over Palestinian life and land confined in enclaves. Hamas became the new challenge to Israel’s vision.
The facts of history affirm that Israel will not accept a sovereign Palestinian state on any part of historic Palestine. Hamas is not the issue. All Palestinian leaders sooner or later, secular or Islamic, are declared unacceptable partners for peace no matter how much they concede to Israel. That Israel hides behind the “Hamas Islamic threat” today to destroy it as a potential partner is becoming transparent.
Dont you get it? Dont be fooled by the media my Muslim brothers and sisters.
Don't be sidetracked that it was Hamas fault that the Palestinian are living in this state.
If you want to blame someone apart from America and Israel; go blame the Arab Nation for being the spectator.
Oh I See! (OIC)
1.Muslims need an Islamic state. A khalifah. We live in a world where we get distracted daily by kuffr from what really matters.
2. What about our brothers and sisters in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan? They are counting on us in to save them.THey are being bullied. Should we just be the spectator?
3. Allah (swt) will indeed not forget what we have done or not done. May Allah gather all Muslims under one state so we finally become victorious - as we were before.
4. At a start i hope Organisation Islamic Conference (OIC) must take ACTION and gather all their millitary power under one banner and defend other Islamic country that is being oppressed.
5. I repeat; they must take action and not have the Oh I See (OIC) mentality. Take action oh our Muslim leaders.
6. Rasulullah (SAW) waged war on the Jews for their attack on one Muslim woman. So far the death toll is approaching 800 HUNDREDS and counting in GAZA and all what we see is condemnations, demonstrations and Arab leaders calling for another useless summit and pointing finger at one another to take action.
2. What about our brothers and sisters in Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan? They are counting on us in to save them.THey are being bullied. Should we just be the spectator?
3. Allah (swt) will indeed not forget what we have done or not done. May Allah gather all Muslims under one state so we finally become victorious - as we were before.
4. At a start i hope Organisation Islamic Conference (OIC) must take ACTION and gather all their millitary power under one banner and defend other Islamic country that is being oppressed.
5. I repeat; they must take action and not have the Oh I See (OIC) mentality. Take action oh our Muslim leaders.
6. Rasulullah (SAW) waged war on the Jews for their attack on one Muslim woman. So far the death toll is approaching 800 HUNDREDS and counting in GAZA and all what we see is condemnations, demonstrations and Arab leaders calling for another useless summit and pointing finger at one another to take action.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Doa untuk Rakyat Palestine
Berikut adalah khutbah kedua bagi khutbah Jumaat yang disediakan oleh pihak Muis yang ditujukan pada umat Islam di Palestine. Semoga bermanfaat hendaknya bagi sesiapa yang tidak dapat hadir pada Jumaat lepas.
Saudara Kaum Muslimin Rahimakumullah,
Bertaqwalah kita kepada Allah s.w.t ddengan melakukan segala kebaikan dan meninggalkan segala tegahan. Setiap dari kita cintakan keamanan dan kesejahteraan di dalam kehidupan ini. Oleh itu pastinya kita akan merasa sedih apabila baru-baru ini kita dikejutkan dengan berita keganasan di Timur Tengah yang melibatkan banyak jiwa tidak berdosa telah terkorban. Ramai penduduk yang tidak bersalah telah terbunuh, rumah penginapan mereka hancur musnah dan ramai lagi yang terselamat sekarang ini pula pastinya hidup di dalam keadaan ketakutan dan keresahan.
Sebagai masyarakat rahmah, kita amat sedih dengan peristiwa yang berlaku ini dan bersimpati terhadap keluarga-keluarga mangsa dalam tragedi tersebut. Mudah-mudahan Allah s.w.t memberikan kekuatan dan ketabahan terhadap keluarga-keluarga mereka dalam menghadapi waktu-waktu yang sukar lagi tidak menentu ini.
Kita berdoa dan berharap agar semua pihak berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk menghentikan segala keganasan dan serangan dan menghormati nilai jiwa manusia. Semoga mereka dapat menjauhkan diri dari lebih banyak pertumpahan darah dan pengorbanan jiwa.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhan Kami, bantulah saudara-saudara kami dalam menghadapi ujian ini dan janganlah Engkau biarkan mereka bersendirian menghadapi ujian ini. Ya Allah, kami bermohon kepada-Mu, kukuhkanlah keyakinan mereka, utuhkanlah kedudukan mereka, lindungilah mereka dan janganlah Engkau palingkan rahmat-Mu daripada mereka. Berikanlah mereka petunjuk dan mudahkanlah bagi mereka menerima petunjuk-Mu.
Ya Allah, satukanlah perhimpunan umat ini dengan rasa penuh ihsan dan simpati terhadap apa yang berlaku terhadap saudara-saudara kami. Sepadukanlah jiwa-jiwa mereka dengan rasa muhibbah serta kasih sayang. Kukuhkanlah azam mereka dalam membuat kebajikan dan kebaikan amal.
Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa-dosa kami, maafkanlah keterlanjuran kami dalam mengatur urusan kami. Teguhkanlah pendirian kami dan bantulah mereka dan kami dalam menghadapi ujian yang sungguh berat ini.
Ya Allah, jadikanlah negara kami Singapura ini sebuah negara yang aman makmur, tenteram dan maju jaya. Wahai Tuhan yang Maha Pemurah. Duhai Hakim yang amat adil penghakiman-Nya, Wahai Perencana yang Maha Hebat Perencanaan-Nya. Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin.
taken frm Ustaz Yusri blog :
Saudara Kaum Muslimin Rahimakumullah,
Bertaqwalah kita kepada Allah s.w.t ddengan melakukan segala kebaikan dan meninggalkan segala tegahan. Setiap dari kita cintakan keamanan dan kesejahteraan di dalam kehidupan ini. Oleh itu pastinya kita akan merasa sedih apabila baru-baru ini kita dikejutkan dengan berita keganasan di Timur Tengah yang melibatkan banyak jiwa tidak berdosa telah terkorban. Ramai penduduk yang tidak bersalah telah terbunuh, rumah penginapan mereka hancur musnah dan ramai lagi yang terselamat sekarang ini pula pastinya hidup di dalam keadaan ketakutan dan keresahan.
Sebagai masyarakat rahmah, kita amat sedih dengan peristiwa yang berlaku ini dan bersimpati terhadap keluarga-keluarga mangsa dalam tragedi tersebut. Mudah-mudahan Allah s.w.t memberikan kekuatan dan ketabahan terhadap keluarga-keluarga mereka dalam menghadapi waktu-waktu yang sukar lagi tidak menentu ini.
Kita berdoa dan berharap agar semua pihak berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk menghentikan segala keganasan dan serangan dan menghormati nilai jiwa manusia. Semoga mereka dapat menjauhkan diri dari lebih banyak pertumpahan darah dan pengorbanan jiwa.
Ya Allah Ya Tuhan Kami, bantulah saudara-saudara kami dalam menghadapi ujian ini dan janganlah Engkau biarkan mereka bersendirian menghadapi ujian ini. Ya Allah, kami bermohon kepada-Mu, kukuhkanlah keyakinan mereka, utuhkanlah kedudukan mereka, lindungilah mereka dan janganlah Engkau palingkan rahmat-Mu daripada mereka. Berikanlah mereka petunjuk dan mudahkanlah bagi mereka menerima petunjuk-Mu.
Ya Allah, satukanlah perhimpunan umat ini dengan rasa penuh ihsan dan simpati terhadap apa yang berlaku terhadap saudara-saudara kami. Sepadukanlah jiwa-jiwa mereka dengan rasa muhibbah serta kasih sayang. Kukuhkanlah azam mereka dalam membuat kebajikan dan kebaikan amal.
Ya Allah, ampunkanlah dosa-dosa kami, maafkanlah keterlanjuran kami dalam mengatur urusan kami. Teguhkanlah pendirian kami dan bantulah mereka dan kami dalam menghadapi ujian yang sungguh berat ini.
Ya Allah, jadikanlah negara kami Singapura ini sebuah negara yang aman makmur, tenteram dan maju jaya. Wahai Tuhan yang Maha Pemurah. Duhai Hakim yang amat adil penghakiman-Nya, Wahai Perencana yang Maha Hebat Perencanaan-Nya. Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin.
taken frm Ustaz Yusri blog :
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Dr Mahathir on Israel Massacre
1. The world seem to be condemning Israel for the inhuman attack against Gaza. But as usual the world does nothing. Why not? Because Israel is backed by the United States of America.
2. The world should also condemn the United States. The planes and the bombs are all made in America. If they are lost the US will replace them. And the US will finance Israel so as to continue its bestiality.
3. For as long as the US backs Israel, we will continue to see Israel ignoring world opinion as it murders the Palestinians Arabs, and destroys their towns and cities.
4. When I said Israel rules the world by proxy, the American media and Government condemned me. But it is a fact that only those candidates approved by Israel can win elections in America. So much for democracy in the United States. Lets see the stand of the United States' new President.
5. Incidentally we should also realise that we are, in a small way, helping Israel. Israeli persimmons (pisang kaki) are sold in supermarkets in Kuala Lumpur.
6. Singapore is Israel's channel to penetrate the Malaysian market.
2. The world should also condemn the United States. The planes and the bombs are all made in America. If they are lost the US will replace them. And the US will finance Israel so as to continue its bestiality.
3. For as long as the US backs Israel, we will continue to see Israel ignoring world opinion as it murders the Palestinians Arabs, and destroys their towns and cities.
4. When I said Israel rules the world by proxy, the American media and Government condemned me. But it is a fact that only those candidates approved by Israel can win elections in America. So much for democracy in the United States. Lets see the stand of the United States' new President.
5. Incidentally we should also realise that we are, in a small way, helping Israel. Israeli persimmons (pisang kaki) are sold in supermarkets in Kuala Lumpur.
6. Singapore is Israel's channel to penetrate the Malaysian market.
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